Welcome to Forgotten Heroes!The Forgotten Heroes clan was formed on July 4, 2012 by Rob101 and Shagga. The current leaders are Pear, Mits, and Rusty. The clan has two major goals: Provide a fun, clean gaming experience for everyone involved; as well as provide a place that higher skilled players may connect and play without being unfairly ridiculed or banned. Our Servers
A current list of our servers and their IPs can be found here: http://fhclan.com/forum/index.php?page=servers. Today at 10:53:31 am by llama | Views: 11 | Comments: 1
brooooooooooooo im australian we literally speak to eachother swearing all the time commooonnnn unban me December 06, 2024, 01:28:30 pm by |FH|commando247
Views: 32 | Comments: 0 Hey FH, Commando did not get his Cod4 fix last weekend. Thus, we will be doing another event this Saturday, Dec. 7 (tomorrow)! You guys know the drill - 2:00pm EST start time lasting until whenever everyone leaves. Most of us will be in di... Pages: [1] 2
Re: 15 min ban and im bored - free medical clinic by llama
[Today at 11:04:26 am] Re: 15 min ban and im bored - free medical clinic by llama [Today at 10:59:26 am] Re: 15 min ban and im bored - free medical clinic by llama [Today at 10:58:40 am] Re: bro surely unban by llama [Today at 10:54:16 am] bro surely unban by llama [Today at 10:53:31 am]