Current Time: Thursday, Oct 10, 2024 (3:45:36) Echelon - B3 Repository Tool (by xlr8or)
Bans and Tempbans for: Forgotten Herores CoD4
You are viewing the public (temp)bans. If you are in this list you can only reconnect when the tempban has expired or never when a ban is permanent. If you want your ban revoked post your name, ban-id and your side of the story in the appropriate forum
client ascending descending admin ascending descending type ascending descending added ascending descending expires ascending descending reason ascending descending
Jack-Cepte FH|Arugala TempBan Monday, 09/30/2024 (14:57) Monday, 09/30/2024 (18:57) homophobic comment
CAT-1 |FH|Cid-69 TempBan Friday, 09/27/2024 (20:56) Sunday, 09/29/2024 (20:56) permanently covering spaws exits
Super61 helium TempBan Saturday, 09/14/2024 (02:27) Sunday, 09/15/2024 (02:27) take a break
Gstar helium TempBan Thursday, 09/12/2024 (22:43) Thursday, 09/19/2024 (22:43) ok
Gstar helium TempBan Thursday, 09/12/2024 (22:43) Thursday, 09/19/2024 (22:43) ok
Gstar {FH} Spankeem mute Thursday, 09/12/2024 (22:40) Thursday, 09/12/2024 (23:10) no need to be rude and bait people
QRTZ helium TempBan Saturday, 09/07/2024 (00:33) Saturday, 09/21/2024 (00:33) racism and an ass
Masartus <3 Double Plugger mute Friday, 09/06/2024 (16:17) Friday, 09/13/2024 (16:17)
MALIK FH|Pear Ban Tuesday, 09/03/2024 (15:41) permanent wh/nr
MALIK {FH} Spankeem Ban Saturday, 08/31/2024 (15:07) permanent wallhack
Jonathan Polly Dent Ban Wednesday, 08/28/2024 (18:44) permanent aimbot
Anticheat.exe FHPlatoonLeader TempBan Tuesday, 08/27/2024 (19:41) Tuesday, 08/27/2024 (23:41) wallhacking
malik |FH|Cid-69 Ban Monday, 08/26/2024 (13:47) permanent wallin
Petal helium Ban Sunday, 08/25/2024 (16:36) permanent thats enough
Petal Double Plugger mute Sunday, 08/25/2024 (16:35) Sunday, 09/01/2024 (16:35) lets have a rest from it for a week
TheLanista PastorOfMuppets Ban Friday, 08/23/2024 (17:59) permanent Banned other GUID.
CAT-1 |FH|Cid-69 TempBan Monday, 08/19/2024 (18:00) Tuesday, 08/20/2024 (18:00) read rules
EliteNeo z TempBan Sunday, 08/18/2024 (18:46) Sunday, 08/18/2024 (22:46) homophobic slurs are not tolerated in this server
|COT*|Noryam helium TempBan Sunday, 08/18/2024 (17:26) Monday, 08/19/2024 (17:26) take a break
|COT*|Noryam helium TempBan Sunday, 08/18/2024 (17:26) Monday, 08/19/2024 (17:26) take a break
|COT*|Noryam helium TempBan Sunday, 08/18/2024 (17:25) Monday, 08/19/2024 (17:25) take a break
|COT*|Noryam Double Plugger TempBan Sunday, 08/18/2024 (13:38) Sunday, 08/18/2024 (14:38) spawn clays
THEKILLERNL helium TempBan Saturday, 08/17/2024 (16:34) Sunday, 08/18/2024 (16:34) okay
GRINYA Double Plugger mute Wednesday, 08/14/2024 (21:47) Friday, 11/22/2024 (20:47)
Skyfall |FH| Colklink mute Tuesday, 08/06/2024 (09:08) Tuesday, 08/06/2024 (09:09) hour annoying
        [tempban] [permban]  
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